Kelly Ripa charges Mark Consuelos of delaying sharing his traffic ticket story until they were on their show in real time.

Did Mark Consuelos accidentally expose his truth to Kelly Ripa on the air?

After bringing up how “people try to beat the HOV lines” on Wednesday’s Live with Kelly and Mark, Consuelos recalled an instance where he was commuting from Long Island back into New York City.

“It was early, and you ever get behind those trucks? Those big, long tractor trailers and they have debris or mulch or stuff in it?” he shared. “It just started flying out, and I was not too close, but it started hitting the car.”

Consuelos noted he “pull[ed] over into the HOV lane,” noting that “there was no one there.”

“I let the car go by, because I couldn’t pull over to the right. There was a car to the right,” he explained. “And then I pull back onto the road because I wasn’t supposed to be in the HOV lane. I was just avoiding the rocks.”

He then got pulled over by the highway patrolman, whom he described as “very, very nice.”

“He said, ‘You crossed into the HOV lane,’” he remembered him saying. “‘Then you crossed out. That’s two tickets.’ And I said, ‘Wow.’ He goes, ‘I could get you for three.’ I go, ‘What’s the third?’ ‘You don’t have anybody else in the car.’ I go, ‘Thanks.’”

Consuelos teased that he “tried to smile at him,” as Ripa joked that he “used all of [his] charms.” After Consuelos reiterated that he “got two tickets, in and out,” Ripa sounded surprised.

“You didn’t tell me that until just now,” she claimed, eliciting a reaction from the audience.

Consuelos refuted, “No, I think I told you about it.”

Ripa replied, “Definitely not.”

After Ripa asked how long ago the incident took place, Consuelos said he was “shooting Alpha House” — a series that premiered back in 2013 — prompting Ripa to admit, “Maybe I forgot.”

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